Saturday, September 29, 2007
Oktoberfest: Redford Style

Friday, September 28, 2007
The Infamous Penis Story
Last week, while my son was getting dressed, he looked at me w/ sullen eyes & a forlorn, downcast face. I asked what the matter was, & he responded, "I don't think I'll ever have an adult-sized penis." I was immediately interested in what he had to say, for knowing the genetics involved here, I couldn't understand what he had to fear. As I asked what he meant, he replied, "It keeps getting bigger, but then it gets small again." There was such anxiety & frustration in his voice, I struggled to contain my laughter. "That's how they work," I said, "mine does the same thing." He was absolutely shocked by this little nugget of info, & he looked as though the weight of the world had been lifted off of his shoulders. Such utter relief in his eyes. I then suggested that it gets bigger when he wakes up and has to go to the bathroom or if he's been messin' w/ it, & he looked at me wondering how the Hell I could know such a thing. He then wondered how it gets bigger, to which I then had to reply by explaining that the veins fill up w/ blood. Of course, his next question, to which I didn't have such a good answer, was "what part of me doesn't have blood in it when it's in my penis?" I answered the best I could & realized that this had been bothering him for quite some time. It was awesome.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
AIDS in Africa

For more info on the AIDS conspiracy theories, check out this wikipedia page... wikireality at its best.
Monday, September 24, 2007
American Telephone and Telegraph
I doubt this is what Alexander Graham Bell had in mind, but I'm sure he'd be happy about it. About a month ago, some dude came to my door promising faster Internet, my cable channels, & a lower price through AT&T's U-Verse program. While I'm usually skeptical about door-to-door salespeople, he sold me on it & I was scheduled to switch over on Sept. 2. I didn't want to do it immediately, because on Aug. 15, I had just paid my Comcast bill & he was on my porch on the 16th. I figured I should use the cable I had paid for already. Well, the douchebag didn't write the work order properly so when the cable dude called to say he was on his way on the 2nd, he wasn't prepared to switch my Internet. We had to reschedule for the 10th. Before I complain about the appointment on the 10th, I want to make it clear that I'm impressed by their 2 hour windows as opposed to Comcast's 6 hour appointment window, that didn't help on the 10th though as the dude went to the wrong house. By the time I got in touch w/ him, it was too late & we had to reschedule again. He said he could come back on Sunday the 23rd between 8:00 &10:00, so yesterday when I hadn't heard anything by 8:45 I was getting skeptical. I got a call at 9:00 though & he was at my house by 9:30. I imagine most people would have backed out by this point, but for more channels @ a lower price I stuck w/ them. This was their last chance though. He was able to do most of the work while I was watching the Man U v Chelsea game, but as he switched my TV over, I missed Saha's penalty. When I turned it back on, Man U was up 2-0. It was worth missing the goal though, because I'm lovin' the new cable. Particularly, I'm lovin' BBC America, VH1 Classic, The National Geographic Channel, & Boomerang. For those of you who don't know, Boomerang is owned by Cartoon Network & shows old cartoons like Super Friends & Inch High Private Eye! Missing part of the game leads me into why I scheduled it when I did though.
I scheduled it for Sunday rather than Saturday for 2 reasons. First of all, my kids had their 1st game on Saturday, & I wanted to make sure there was no overlapping. They won 8-6 by the way which marked Solstice's first win ever. A couple of the kids on the team are dynamite, but Aiden needs a little more tenacity & Solstice was tired after a sleepover the night before. By the end she picked up her pace and seemed to really be enjoying herself. Afterwards, Aiden was dehydrated & ended up puking on the way home. I happened to have a cup in the car into which he hurled, but then as I opened the door to help him out, he poured it all on my feet. Typical. The other reason I wanted it on Sunday was because the Arsenal v Derby game was on Saturday morning & I certainly didn't want to miss any of that 5-0 thumping. You may be wondering how I knew the Saturday game would be better than the Man U v Chelsea game. The answer to that obvious question is equally obvious: Man U v Chelsea games always suck. Of course, this time there was the added excitement of Chelsea's coach having just "quit." As it turns out, that didn't make the game any more interesting though.
After the cable guy left, we went to my game where I should have scored 3 goals but actually scored 0 goals. My 1st short was like Fabregas' goal in the clip above, but it went just wide. My 2nd opportunity was like Adebayor's 1st goal except a defender got his foot on the ball. My 3rd chance came in the last minute when we were tied 2-2. I found some space about 15 yards out just like Diaby's goal above, but the goalie made a great save. Oddly, he wasn't really a goalie & no one (even the people on his team) thought he would save it. It was a fun game over all though, & since the other team had to use some of our people because they were short-handed, we technically won even though it ended 2-2.

After the cable guy left, we went to my game where I should have scored 3 goals but actually scored 0 goals. My 1st short was like Fabregas' goal in the clip above, but it went just wide. My 2nd opportunity was like Adebayor's 1st goal except a defender got his foot on the ball. My 3rd chance came in the last minute when we were tied 2-2. I found some space about 15 yards out just like Diaby's goal above, but the goalie made a great save. Oddly, he wasn't really a goalie & no one (even the people on his team) thought he would save it. It was a fun game over all though, & since the other team had to use some of our people because they were short-handed, we technically won even though it ended 2-2.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Bumper Stickers
I know you might claim I have no room to talk regarding this subject, but I've seen a few stickers lately that have been driving me nuts for years. Now, I've suffered many a middle finger based on my stickers, particularly in the run up to the last election, so maybe I'm more qualified to discuss this than most of you.
*Sticker #1: "I'd rather be reading Jane Austin"
Really? Rather than driving around town, going on vacation, taking your kids to the beach, going to see a mid-wife after years of trying in order to find out you've finally gotten pregnant... rather than doing all these things or any number of other things you might be doing, you'd prefer to be reading fucking Sense and Sensibility? That's fucking crazy! Every time I see that sticker, I want to run the mother fucker driving it off the road. I mean, come on... Persuasion? Really? The only thing good about Persuasion is the fact that it was partially the inspiration for The French Lieutenant's Woman.
Of course, I could be misunderstanding the sticker. It's possible that it doesn't mean "rather than what I'm doing at this very second," but "rather than the book I happen to be reading this week," in which case, quit making the ridiculous bumper-clad assertions and just read fucking Emma. Or better yet, just watch the films. Other than Northanger Abbey, the films are better anyways.
*Sticker #2: "Against abortion? Don't have one!"
Come on! That's just stupid. I understand the desire to express one's right to choose, I also understand the desire to paste one's political beliefs on a bumper, but if that is the best the "Pro-Choice" folks can do, we're in trouble. Do yourself a favor & print up a sticker that says something about personal choice, about patriarchy, about the debate over when life begins, about rape, about pretty much anything other than the claim that people shouldn't voice opinions. This line of thought leads to 2 obvious problems. First off, this sticker is suggesting that people stop standing up for what they believe. Even though they may disagree, they should still be encouraged to speak up. Can you imagine a sticker claiming, "Against the war? Don't enlist!" or "Against slavery? Don't own one!" or a really topical one like "Against dog fighting? Don't train your dog to fight!" The other issue here is for you Poli/Sci folks. Suggesting that one shouldn't attempt to petition the courts to change is absurd. They've changed their minds before... they'll do it again. In fact, that might be the fear exemplified in that sticker, but the fact that the courts can reinterpret the Constitution and the fact that we can change it at all is what makes it such an important document. When the founders left room for change, they were acknowledging their own fallibility. If they assumed they wouldn't fuck up, they'd have ignored the need to amend the Constitution and probably would have made the President a life long position. Why bother w/ elections every 4 years if you never fuck up?
*Sticker #3: "Not all who wander are lost"
Yeah, yeah, yeah... so you read Tolkien... so did everyone else... other than me. Are we really supposed to be impressed by that? 3 books about a bunch of 'people" walking to a mountain? You read the books... I saw Clerks II. Go figure. Big fucking deal.
Or, you never read the book but feel that it's such a deep idea that the fact that the sticker doesn't actually mention the name of he person who wrote it doesn't matter. Which implies you don't even know who your bumper is quoting to begin w/. You fucking tool!
*Sticker #1: "I'd rather be reading Jane Austin"
Really? Rather than driving around town, going on vacation, taking your kids to the beach, going to see a mid-wife after years of trying in order to find out you've finally gotten pregnant... rather than doing all these things or any number of other things you might be doing, you'd prefer to be reading fucking Sense and Sensibility? That's fucking crazy! Every time I see that sticker, I want to run the mother fucker driving it off the road. I mean, come on... Persuasion? Really? The only thing good about Persuasion is the fact that it was partially the inspiration for The French Lieutenant's Woman.
Of course, I could be misunderstanding the sticker. It's possible that it doesn't mean "rather than what I'm doing at this very second," but "rather than the book I happen to be reading this week," in which case, quit making the ridiculous bumper-clad assertions and just read fucking Emma. Or better yet, just watch the films. Other than Northanger Abbey, the films are better anyways.
*Sticker #2: "Against abortion? Don't have one!"
Come on! That's just stupid. I understand the desire to express one's right to choose, I also understand the desire to paste one's political beliefs on a bumper, but if that is the best the "Pro-Choice" folks can do, we're in trouble. Do yourself a favor & print up a sticker that says something about personal choice, about patriarchy, about the debate over when life begins, about rape, about pretty much anything other than the claim that people shouldn't voice opinions. This line of thought leads to 2 obvious problems. First off, this sticker is suggesting that people stop standing up for what they believe. Even though they may disagree, they should still be encouraged to speak up. Can you imagine a sticker claiming, "Against the war? Don't enlist!" or "Against slavery? Don't own one!" or a really topical one like "Against dog fighting? Don't train your dog to fight!" The other issue here is for you Poli/Sci folks. Suggesting that one shouldn't attempt to petition the courts to change is absurd. They've changed their minds before... they'll do it again. In fact, that might be the fear exemplified in that sticker, but the fact that the courts can reinterpret the Constitution and the fact that we can change it at all is what makes it such an important document. When the founders left room for change, they were acknowledging their own fallibility. If they assumed they wouldn't fuck up, they'd have ignored the need to amend the Constitution and probably would have made the President a life long position. Why bother w/ elections every 4 years if you never fuck up?
*Sticker #3: "Not all who wander are lost"
Yeah, yeah, yeah... so you read Tolkien... so did everyone else... other than me. Are we really supposed to be impressed by that? 3 books about a bunch of 'people" walking to a mountain? You read the books... I saw Clerks II. Go figure. Big fucking deal.
Or, you never read the book but feel that it's such a deep idea that the fact that the sticker doesn't actually mention the name of he person who wrote it doesn't matter. Which implies you don't even know who your bumper is quoting to begin w/. You fucking tool!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Take a Break and Remember Jake
Since long before I lived around here... apparently before any of you did... Jake was a mainstay in the vicinity of Main and Liberty. Rumors suggest that he may have been from Flint or possibly Florida, but of course the NPR story this morning featured a quote from him claiming to hail from Little Rock. Beyond the confusion surrounding his origin, there's also the mythology concerning his age, his wealth, his winters in a mansion in Miami and of course the supposed Voo Doo curse that allowed him, like Dorian Gray, to remain at a constant age. Unlike Dorian Gray, however, Jake hadn't been young in quite a long time. Apparently, he remained about 130.
I first heard of Jake when I was working at Whole Foods and my supervisor mentioned him. I didn't know who he was talking about, but by the next time I walked through town, I realized exactly who Shakey Jake was. We had a few conversations over the years, but he never remembered me... in part because he met people in town every day, and in part because he was kinda nuts. Of course, there's the other rumor... the most easily believed of all the rumors about that guyt... that he was institutionalized for a while back, well, sometime in the past. The NPR story also claimed that his slurred speech was due to a stroke he suffered recently, but if that's the case, then what's to explain the fact his speech was always slurred? Maybe it doesn't matter. In the end, he was a cool old dude and everyone seemed to love him. He'll definitely be missed.
Michigan Daily Article from 1998 M-Live's Obituary Another M-Live Story Arbor Wiki w/ a letter from Jake's relative

Monday, September 17, 2007
Arrrrr... 100,000 Miles

* Petoskey 2004
* Cleveland 2004
* Cleveland 2005
* Petoskey 2005
* Chicago 2007
* Traverse City/Petoskey 2007

Thursday, September 13, 2007
Random Info
In our double-header on Tuesday, we brought our record to 3-1. In fact it should have been 4-0 after that night, but a few errors in the in-field fucked us. The first game, however, we won 14-9 w/ my grand slam which was followed by my 2 run homer. We had a good time even w/ the loss in the 2nd game, but our 2nd base person was sent to the hospital after she tore her quad from the bone. She happens to be the same person who was knocked unconscious last week when the center fielder ran her over in a weak attempt to grab a fly-ball.
Friday Night:
My Dear Disco is playing at the Blind Pig. I've never heard of them, but they've been opening some shows for the Macpodz... apparently, & more importantly, they feature Tyler Duncan, son of my co-worker Jeff Duncan & integral member of Millish. You may recall that I wasn't too pleased w/ the Blind Pig the last time I was there, but I'll give it another go... and you should too.
Kids' Soccer:
Their first practice is this evening followed by another one next week leading up to their 1st game. They are so excited, & I am too. I love getting out there w/ them & watching them run around & learn how the game works. I was even able to get them on the same team this fall, so I only have to coach one team. Stacey's son, Luka, & a couple kids from last spring are on the team again too, so I think we'll have a great time.
Tastes of Ypsi:
The companion blog to Visions of Ypsi has been updated w/ recipes from Georgina and one I lifted off of Steve's blog after their party last week. Geo's zucchini stuff looks great. I recommend trying them. Steve's stuffed jalapenos looked fantastic too... check it out, and feel free to send in a recipe to be added.
In our double-header on Tuesday, we brought our record to 3-1. In fact it should have been 4-0 after that night, but a few errors in the in-field fucked us. The first game, however, we won 14-9 w/ my grand slam which was followed by my 2 run homer. We had a good time even w/ the loss in the 2nd game, but our 2nd base person was sent to the hospital after she tore her quad from the bone. She happens to be the same person who was knocked unconscious last week when the center fielder ran her over in a weak attempt to grab a fly-ball.
Friday Night:
My Dear Disco is playing at the Blind Pig. I've never heard of them, but they've been opening some shows for the Macpodz... apparently, & more importantly, they feature Tyler Duncan, son of my co-worker Jeff Duncan & integral member of Millish. You may recall that I wasn't too pleased w/ the Blind Pig the last time I was there, but I'll give it another go... and you should too.
Kids' Soccer:
Their first practice is this evening followed by another one next week leading up to their 1st game. They are so excited, & I am too. I love getting out there w/ them & watching them run around & learn how the game works. I was even able to get them on the same team this fall, so I only have to coach one team. Stacey's son, Luka, & a couple kids from last spring are on the team again too, so I think we'll have a great time.
Tastes of Ypsi:
The companion blog to Visions of Ypsi has been updated w/ recipes from Georgina and one I lifted off of Steve's blog after their party last week. Geo's zucchini stuff looks great. I recommend trying them. Steve's stuffed jalapenos looked fantastic too... check it out, and feel free to send in a recipe to be added.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Gay as a Handbag Full of Rainbows...
... Or the obligatory 1st game injury update
(Or, simply put, fodder for Jason)
I had my first game of the season yesterday & was playing much better than expected until the 4th quarter when a new guy on my own team kicked me in the ankle. I'd already strained my groin & twisted my back, so this was the final straw. I was hurting... & still am. I took to kids to Taco Bell afterwards & put them to bed when I realized that my aching bones would do well w/ a bath. If I remember correctly, I hadn't taken a bath in 4 years, partly because I know they aren't the most manly of activities, but I'm secure enough w/ myself & I knew it would do me good, so I figured, "What the Hell?" Since it'd been so long, I also figured I'd do it up... I opened a bottle of wine, lit a few candles, & grabbed the new issue of World Soccer. As I was soaking & feeling a bit better, I heard Solstice coming down the stairs. She enters the TV room & realized neither the light nor the TV was on. I then hear, "Dad???" "In here," I replied as she then looking into the bathroom. She eyed the candles, looked the wine up and down, & finally saw me in the bubble bath. The, w/ the funniest look on her face, she said, "well, this is a pretty fancy bath." It turns out that her eyes were itchy & she wanted an allergy pill, but I feel as though she was thinking the only thing that would have made my antics any gayer would have been if I'd had a cock in my mouth. OK, she's 8, she probably didn't think that... but she should have.
(Or, simply put, fodder for Jason)
I had my first game of the season yesterday & was playing much better than expected until the 4th quarter when a new guy on my own team kicked me in the ankle. I'd already strained my groin & twisted my back, so this was the final straw. I was hurting... & still am. I took to kids to Taco Bell afterwards & put them to bed when I realized that my aching bones would do well w/ a bath. If I remember correctly, I hadn't taken a bath in 4 years, partly because I know they aren't the most manly of activities, but I'm secure enough w/ myself & I knew it would do me good, so I figured, "What the Hell?" Since it'd been so long, I also figured I'd do it up... I opened a bottle of wine, lit a few candles, & grabbed the new issue of World Soccer. As I was soaking & feeling a bit better, I heard Solstice coming down the stairs. She enters the TV room & realized neither the light nor the TV was on. I then hear, "Dad???" "In here," I replied as she then looking into the bathroom. She eyed the candles, looked the wine up and down, & finally saw me in the bubble bath. The, w/ the funniest look on her face, she said, "well, this is a pretty fancy bath." It turns out that her eyes were itchy & she wanted an allergy pill, but I feel as though she was thinking the only thing that would have made my antics any gayer would have been if I'd had a cock in my mouth. OK, she's 8, she probably didn't think that... but she should have.

Friday, September 7, 2007
Anal Bleeding
I know you, faithful readers, are assuming this must be a euphemism or a joke, but no, this post is actually about anal bleeding... among other things. A week ago, my lovely son became my green, nauseous, sickly son for a couple days. He recovered pretty quickly, but then I too got a stomach bug. In the immortal words of Vyvyan Basterd, I had quite a runny bottom. I'm not sure if it's the same thing he had though because it seems to have effected me differently. While I threw nothing up, everything that went in did have the propensity to come out quickly, it just used the other end. I wasn't been able to be w/o a toilet for more than a couple hours, & if I ate something, I had a window of about 15 minutes. The constant wiping has caused the dreaded bleeding, but I think my innards are on the mend because I was able to fart this morning w/o blowing a gasket & squirting in my shorts. This is the first time since Sunday that I've felt comfortable risking such a thing. Obviously, this had made me happy since the longer I go w/o the old diarrhea, the longer my butt hole has to heal.
If anyone is still reading @ this point, I'll have you know I'm also happy because last night during dinner, I mentioned that I was in the mood to watch Victory, & when I then had to explain to my kids that it's a film about war & soccer, they jumped at the chance to watch it w/ me. They felt it had a slow start because they just wanted to get to the game, but I'll admit that I have been known to skip ahead to the game on a few occasions, so I can't blame them for that. It was funny, though, watching them watch the film w/o much understanding of Nazis or the Holocaust. When a group of German officers were discussing the implications of allowing Concentration Camp workers to be involved in the team, one said the game wasn't a good idea. To this Aiden was shocked: "A soccer game is ALWAYS a good idea!" Damn he made me proud. While Solstice was a bit more familiar w/ the context, & she was really in to the idea of reading the subtitles (as she was when we saw Mr. Bean's Holiday the other day), the conversation about bribing the ref went over her head; I guess she's never been exposed to cheating, which is probably good, but maybe she's been a little too sheltered. I'll have to pay off a couple refs for her games this fall to acclimate her to the real world. As a side note, you can order your very own Victory replica jersey here... I would suggest you do it so you can join Stallone, Caine, & Pele in taking a kick at the Fuhrer.
3rdly, I'm happy because school has started & the kids are loving their teachers. I'm loving being back in the classroom, & I'm loving that Bob Dylan is coming to EMU on Oct. 12th w/ Elvis Costello. Tickets went on sale about 15 minutes ago, os get them before they're gone. It should be a fantatic night; I haven't seen Dylan in a while, & I've never seen Elvis Costello. My previous Dylan shows are as follows:
*May 16, 1996: Pine Knob Music Theater (Amy Mann opened) w/ my ex-wife
*February 15, 1998: University Of Toledo (some young guitar guy opened) w/ my ex-wife
*July 7, 1999: Pine Knob Music Theatre (Paul Simon opened) w/ my ex/wife, Gina, Andy, & Jenn
* Audust 6, 2003: Polaris Amphitheater (opened for The Dead) w/ my ex-wife, Dawn, & someone my ex worked with whose name I've forgotten

*May 16, 1996: Pine Knob Music Theater (Amy Mann opened) w/ my ex-wife
*February 15, 1998: University Of Toledo (some young guitar guy opened) w/ my ex-wife
*July 7, 1999: Pine Knob Music Theatre (Paul Simon opened) w/ my ex/wife, Gina, Andy, & Jenn
* Audust 6, 2003: Polaris Amphitheater (opened for The Dead) w/ my ex-wife, Dawn, & someone my ex worked with whose name I've forgotten
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Holla if You're a Kickballa
W/ Jean going to KY, I was asked to take his place on the Taproom kickball team, The Kickballers. We had our 1st games last night, a double header, & now sit at the top of the table w/ a sweet, sweet record of 2-0. We came from behind to beat Rough Housing in the 7th inning w/ 7 runs to win 14-12. In the 2nd game, we had to come from behind to beat The Bad News Betas 4-3. It was actually a lot of fun, but the mosquitoes were deadly. I would say I spent more time swatting them away than I spent actually playing the game. That's alright though because we won & winning is all that matters. 2nd place is no place! (2 Karate Kid references in 3 posts... at Visions of Ypsi, we always come correct w/ the classics.)

Monday, September 3, 2007
Vicente's: Restaurant Review

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