Saturday, June 30, 2007
Mega Maid

Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Weird Friday Night
I was watching Fight Club for the first time ever on Friday night when the phone rang. Rang might not really be the right word anymore though, but the ring tone went off none-the-less. My friend Amy (whom you will all remember from my afternoon at Sidetrack during Oberon Day) called and wanted to me to meet her and a few of her old friends for a beer at Pub 13 after the Deja Vu Music Extravaganza in Ypsi. I wasn't really enjoying Fight Club, which I was surprised by since so many people shit their pants over that film, so I turned it off and went for a pint. I couldn't find at first until I realized that by old friends she didn't mean people she'd known a long time, but rather people who were really old, like in their 70s. We sat for a few minutes & then one of the couples invited us back to their house for more drinks. To quote the Mad Hatter, I couldn't very well have less since I hadn't had any yet, so we went down the street to their sweet sweet old historic home. You may think old and historic are redundant, but many home are old w/o the historic cultural capital & many are restored historic home which aren't really that old. This one is pre-Civil War & was awesome. The other thing that was awesome was their desire to let me drink whatever I wanted. I found a bottle of The Glenlivet & was told to drink as much as pleased me. They didn't have to tell me twice... I finished it & moved on to a decanter of something else. Glenlivet is far from my favorite, but it isn't often that someone offers up 2/3 of a bottle. We were all sitting around talking when Betsie Four (that's not actually her name, but it's close, and it does have a number in it: WTF?), one of the owners of the house, the one responsible for all of the restorations, decides it would be a good idea to smoke a little contraband. (I changed her name since it's so rare & I decided to out her illicit activities.) She gets out this old wooden box containing an old pipe, a roach clip, a broken scale and a baggie that had next to no pot in it. In her drunken state, she proceeded to throw it in the garbage can and then spend the next 20 minutes looking for it. This was still pretty early on in the evening so I could tell we were in for an interesting night. I fixed her scale while they elder-folk smoked their dope, but I'm still not certain why she needed a scale in the 1st place. There is no way in hell this woman is dealing or even buying large enough quantities for it to matter, but whatever, it gave me something to do while they got high. She then asked me how old I am & when I told her I'd be 33 on Tuesday (yes, for those of you not keeping score, it's my b-day today & I'm spending it writing this ridiculous little story), she proceeds to tell me that she has lingerie older than me. I didn't know what to say to that so I just claimed I didn't believe it because it doesn't last that long. She then leaned over & whispered in my ear, "It's true, I save it all & if you saw it, it would give you a huge hard on." Again, I didn't know what to say, so I grabbed Amy & told her & we had a good laugh. Betsie Four's friend had already told me she used to be a dominatrix, like 40 years ago, & that she loved tying people up & whipping them. The lingerie comment takes the cake though. It was one of the most disturbing things I'd ever heard. After that we listened to the Allmans for a bit & took the hell off. Those old dudes certainly know how to party, but holy shit, they certainly know how to creep me out too.
Happy Birthday to me, eh?
Happy Birthday to me, eh?
Monday, June 25, 2007
The Gold Cup Final

Saturday, June 23, 2007
Running Errands

Wednesday, June 20, 2007
As seen on The Colbert Report

Tuesday, June 19, 2007
This Past Weekend

Friday, June 15, 2007
Kids, Kids, Kids
Part 1
I took the kids to the beach yesterday. My sister had been telling me about this little lake off of Ann Arbor Rd in Superior Township for years. Apparently, she used to sneak in as a trunk monkey when she was in high school. I'd heard these stories for years, but you can't see the lake from the road, so it would slip my mind whenever I was thinking about going swimming. Well, she mentioned it to Stacey at the kids' last soccer game (more on that in a moment), and Stacey bought a membership. It's kind of pricey, but she took us as her guest yesterday and the place is great. There are two lakes, Murray lake is the bigger one and then if you drive through the woods, there is a smaller, more kid friendly lake w/ a cool little island in the middle. They also have camping in the woods and a soccer field.
Part 2
Speaking of soccer fields, the kids had their last games of the season last weekend. My daughter's team never won a game, but watching them get better every week was awesome. She didn't really seem to enjoy it at first, but by the end she was having a blast. She even got a great assist. My son, on the other hand, never lost a game. In fact, they won by about 10 goals every time. I did everything I could to try to hold down the score, but it never seemed to work. My biggest mistake was explaining to him what a hat-trick is because he then just tried to score all the time. He knocked in 4 in the last game including one that was going in anyway when he tapped it over the line and stole the goal from another kid on his team. All in all, we all had great times and I can't wait to do it again in the fall.
Part 3
We watched a couple films last night after we got back from swimming, The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl & The Fantastic Four, neither of which was very good. SB and LG was complete shit, in fact. I was disappointed because Robert Rodriguez did such a good job w/ the Spy Kids movies. My daughter picked it because her first choice, The Love Bug, was out. We watched Herbie, Fully Loaded last week & she freakin' loved it. I'd never seen a Lindsay Lohan film before... I wasn't very impressed w/ her, but the movie was alright. The Fantastic Four, on the other hand, was better than I expected. The main problem is similar to my main issue w/ X-Men. It's too short so there is no time to develop the characters or give a damn about the bad guy. Obviously, they've been developed for decades in the comics, but the films should still take time to introduce people w/in the context of the story line & for the people who aren't comic book nerds.
I took the kids to the beach yesterday. My sister had been telling me about this little lake off of Ann Arbor Rd in Superior Township for years. Apparently, she used to sneak in as a trunk monkey when she was in high school. I'd heard these stories for years, but you can't see the lake from the road, so it would slip my mind whenever I was thinking about going swimming. Well, she mentioned it to Stacey at the kids' last soccer game (more on that in a moment), and Stacey bought a membership. It's kind of pricey, but she took us as her guest yesterday and the place is great. There are two lakes, Murray lake is the bigger one and then if you drive through the woods, there is a smaller, more kid friendly lake w/ a cool little island in the middle. They also have camping in the woods and a soccer field.
Part 2
Speaking of soccer fields, the kids had their last games of the season last weekend. My daughter's team never won a game, but watching them get better every week was awesome. She didn't really seem to enjoy it at first, but by the end she was having a blast. She even got a great assist. My son, on the other hand, never lost a game. In fact, they won by about 10 goals every time. I did everything I could to try to hold down the score, but it never seemed to work. My biggest mistake was explaining to him what a hat-trick is because he then just tried to score all the time. He knocked in 4 in the last game including one that was going in anyway when he tapped it over the line and stole the goal from another kid on his team. All in all, we all had great times and I can't wait to do it again in the fall.
Part 3
We watched a couple films last night after we got back from swimming, The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl & The Fantastic Four, neither of which was very good. SB and LG was complete shit, in fact. I was disappointed because Robert Rodriguez did such a good job w/ the Spy Kids movies. My daughter picked it because her first choice, The Love Bug, was out. We watched Herbie, Fully Loaded last week & she freakin' loved it. I'd never seen a Lindsay Lohan film before... I wasn't very impressed w/ her, but the movie was alright. The Fantastic Four, on the other hand, was better than I expected. The main problem is similar to my main issue w/ X-Men. It's too short so there is no time to develop the characters or give a damn about the bad guy. Obviously, they've been developed for decades in the comics, but the films should still take time to introduce people w/in the context of the story line & for the people who aren't comic book nerds.
Monday, June 11, 2007
A Double at Wendy's

Friday, before I went to the Tigers' game, I had to drop my kids off @ their mom's house which, for those of you under rocks or w/ heads in your asses, is over an hour away. Afterwards, I was planning on a nice drive to Dan and Elizabeth's house which means I had to take a different way home from my ex's. All was fine & good until about 15 minutes before I got to her house when I got that feeling in my gut... the one that says, "Get your ass to a toilet and quick!" Well, I couldn't stomach the idea of defaming her John like that, so I quickly dropped off the kids and hit the road looking for a public restroom. When deciding on a public lu, a 2 things have to be considered, not the least of which is its location, meaning, "How close is it to where I am?" I knew that if I took the main road out of her little town, I would pass some gas stations and such, but they were all pretty nasty looking which is the second issue when chosing which head in which to unload: cleanliness. I then saw the Golden Arches, & every traveler knows their cans are usually pretty clean. The problem came when I got closer & realized it was on the other side of the road. This wouldn't usually be a problem, but there was a lot of traffic & I would have to wait a while to turn left. At this point, waiting didn't appear to be a good option, but I consulted the old Magic 8 Ball just in case. "Is waiting 90 seconds to turn left a safe bet for the interior of my car (not to mention the interior of my shorts)? "Not likely." Why the Wendy's on the right didn't jump out at me from the start, I don't know, but I pulled in there & ran to the Men's room as fast as I could. As it turns out, Wendy's, not being a very popular resturant, is able to maintain a rather clean bathroom. Now, considering I've been vegitarian since 1993, you may be wondering what this has to do with a the old Wendy's Double. That's a good question, and I'd have to say absolutely nothing. What it does have to do w/ is the burger I gave them; the old double flush I unloaded in the captain's quarters. I've never nearly destroyed a toilet before, but this was something to behold. Truly awesome in the Biblical sense. In closing, all was fine & as explained in the post about the game, we had a good time. In closing, I want to remind you, dear reader, not to be offended or simply "grossed out" by this story. Those of you who know me, know it was only a matter of time before this became a bloggable topic. Now go enjoy your burger.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Fucking Hippies & Fucking Mets Fans

Thursday, June 7, 2007
Let the Sunshine In

A bunch of fucking hippies will be invading the Lydia Mendolssohn Theater this week end as Brook (at about 2:00 in the photo) is in a production of Hair that opens tonight. She's playing the preggers chick, and I think she gets a song. If you're in the area, be sure to check it out this weekend. I'll be seeing it tonight so check back tomorrow for the full review. While there will be a full review, the rumor is that the full frontal nudity has been expunged in an attempt to make it more family friendly. Apparently, the pot-smoking has also been altered a bit. That's understandable though, because we don't need to be corrupting minds like that. I've seen the shitty film version a couple times, but I've never seen it live. I've also seen the sweet sweet episode of Head of the Class where they produced it and had a big fight over the nude scenes. If you don't recall the show, Johnny Fever played a high school teacher who mentored a group of gifted students as they struggled through life. One of the students was played by Robin Givens in her pre-Mike Tyson life and another was a super hot red-head whose name matters not. As far as the soundtrack goes, I've got a couple favorite songs that I suppose need to be shared right now. I don't know why I like "Manchester, England," but I always have. My interest in the first song is the same as everyone's interest in it. I remember hearing it for the first time when I was in middle school and thought, "WOW... I didn't know people were allowed to write songs like that. Of course, I soon heard 2 Live Crew, LL Cool J, and the Violent Femmes. As a little side note, the Grateful Dead's album, Grateful Dead (AKA Skull Fuck) was the first major label album to include the word "fuck" which was found in the song "Wharf Rat." And now, w/o further ado, here are my faves from Hair:
Father, why do these words sound so nasty?
Can be fun
Join the holy orgy
Kama Sutra
"Manchester, England"
Manchester England England
Across the Atlantic Sea
And I'm a genius genius
I believe in God
And I believe that God
Believes in Claude
That's me that's me
Claude Hooper Bukowski
Finds that it's groovy
To hide in a movie
Pretends he's Fellini
And Antonioni
And also his countryman Roman Polanski
All rolled into one
One Claude Hooper Bukowski
Now that I've dropped out
Why is life dreary dreary
Answer my weary query
Timothy Leary dearie
Oh Manchester England England
Across the Atlantic Sea
And I'm a genius genius
I believe in God
And I believe that God
Believes in Claude
That's me (that's he)
That's me (that's he)
That's me (that's he)
That's me
Friday, June 1, 2007
Pirate Week Post #5: Arrr, The Big Wrap Up

I went to the Magic Bag last night w/ Stacey and we saw Gaelic Storm. I'd been wanting to check them out for quite a while and finally got the chance. They're a cool, up-tempo Irish group who play a bunch of fun drinking songs w/ absolutely amazing musicianship. A great Violinist, an accordionist who also played harmonica w/ some amazing Popperesque licks, a hand-drummer who had a really cool set of world drums, a great rhythm guitarist and a piper who, along w/ his traditional pipes, had an electronic bagpipe. I'd read about such things, but I didn't realize what they actually look like. While the chanter is basically the same as an acoustic bagpipe, the drone is produced in some sort of MIDI thing that also does away w/ the bag, leaving an extremely phallic instrument extending from the piper's waist. If you ever get the chance to see these guys, I would definitely recommend it. The only down side was that the inter song shtick was a bit canned. I was alright w/ it though since they are so fucking talented musically.
What does this have to do w/ pirates, you ask? Well, one song as about pirates and the singer even threw in a gratuitous "ARRR!" I assumed he'd benn reading this very blog, but I'm not certain. Anyway, I promised my little story about my Disney World experience, so here it goes. When I was about 4 1/2, we left my 6 month old sister w/ my grandparents at their house in FLA and headed to Orlando. Of course, this was before Mabel lost her leg, in fact it was way back when she could actually use her legs so watching my sister wasn't the problem it would have been later in our lives. At Disney Wold, I went on The Pirates of the Caribbean attraction and was hooked. I absolutely loved it. I even got a Disney pirate hat. A couple days later at my grandparents, I learned that my grandfather was in some sort of pirate re-enactment group. To fully understand this, you must know that the FLA Gulf coast it mad about buccaneers. Everywhere you go, there's some sort of pirate crap and I always loved every little bit of it. Well, my grandpa and his buddies were dressing up (even w/ stage make-up scars and stuff) and riding in a parade. He let me get dressed up and I went along. We were riding in the back of a pick-up truck, when my sweet new pirate ha blew off and I cried like the little boy I was. At this point, some crotchety old drunk dude in full pirate garb said, "Arrr... pirates don't cry about lost hats." here I was thinking they'd stop so I could get my hat, and he totally put me in my place. And he was right, pirates wouldn't cry about a lost hat. Lesson learned, and I was hooked for life, as is evidenced by the fact that Wendy wanted me to asterisk the films on the list below that I own. I went back and did that, and holy shit, I own a lot of this shit.
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