Friday, March 30, 2007

Which Friend are You?

Last night, I did something I haven't done in ages... I sat in front of the TV and watched sit-coms all evening. After 2 episodes of Seinfeld, I proceeded to watch 4 episodes of Friends... that's right, 2 full hours of that show, and it cracked my shit up. I then watched 2 episodes of MASH before the 11:00 Seinfeld. All of those Friends episodes got me wondering which character I was most like. Had the show been newer, or had blogging and myspace been popular in the mid-90s, I'm certain I could've taken some on-line quiz to determine which one I am, but as it stands, I'll just have to bracket them out in my head to figure it out. That said, there may very well be some sort of on-line quiz about Friends, but i don't feel like searching for it. I know I'm not a controlling bitch like Monica or a flaky hippie like Phoebe. I'm not as shallow as Rachel, or ass stupid as Joey. This leaves Ross and Chandler. Ross, while annoying, is a geeky professor, and Chandler is a smart-ass. I think I've got a bit of both Ross and Chandler. I imagine Jason would prefer to have a little Joey in him... and I mean "in him."There's a woman I know, I've never used her name here before, but I did talk about her last summer after her self-righteous ass said some rather racist stuff at The Corner Brewery about Latinos. She is definitely a Monica. In fact, she went so far as to tell a friend of mine that I'm an alcoholic ne're-do-well. I'd like to take a moment her to assure her that while I do drink once in a while, I'm not a drunk. I just hang out w/ a lot of drunks. Furthermore, tomorrow I'll be sober w/ prospects, and she'll still be an old, self-righteous racist. I highly doubt she reads this, but even if she does, I can't imagine she'll ever mention this. I've never used this medium to call people out like this before, but it feels good, and I'm sure if you keep checking back, you'll get plenty more of this sort of thing. So anyway, which Friends character are you?


Anonymous said...

I'm Phoebe with a little bit of Joey in her.

Anonymous said...

I would have thought you would have blogged about all the nature you saw today. While sober. Take a deep breath...

Anonymous said...

I'm Phoebe
Landon Donovan

Andre said...

Thanks for joining us here Landon. Now piss off.