On Tuesday evening, starting during the bottom of the 3rd & running through the top of the 6th inning, we had the Panthers' U10 soccer practice. It was a rainy, crappy, evening. I've always loved playing in that kind of weather, but coaching is another thing all together. Afterwards, I put the ball-bag in the trunk, we dropped another kid off @ his house, & then we headed home. Listening to the game on
the radio, we heard that whoever was batting had 2 balls.
Aiden then asked? "What'd that guy on the radio just say?"
Me: "The batter has 2 balls."
Aiden: "I've got a bunch of balls!"
Me: "What do you mean by that?"
Aiden: "In my ball sack!"
Solstice: "HAHAHAHAHA"
Me: "A bunch? How many balls do you think you have?"
Aiden: "I don't know... a ton?"
Solstice: "HAHAHAHAHA"
Me: "Do you really not know?"
Aiden: "No; how should I know?"
At this point, I realized a little science was in order. I proceeded to explain the
testicles, the
scrotum, and
Solstice: "Scrotum? We call it a ball sack or a nut sack."
Me: "Yeah, I'm aware of those phrases, but the technical term is 'scrotum' or 'scrotal sack.'"
Solstice: "Well, kids
these days say ball sack."
Me: "Yes, I understand that; I'm telling you the scientific term for it. Besides, it's not like your generation coined the phrase."
Solstice: "So how come I don't have any balls?"
Me: "Are you kidding?" (I think she may have been kidding.)
Me: "Because you have
Solstice: "What are those?"
At this point, I'm pretty sure she was fucking w/ me, but I wasn't positive so I proceeded to explain.
Me: "It's where your eggs are made."
Solstice: "I'm gonna lay an egg???"